Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Update: A Year and A Half after Braces

For those of you wondering, for me (Amanda) it has been a year and a half without braces. I wear my retainer only at night and just clean my teeth now. I visit the orthodontist every six months and he just checks the retainers. And my teeth are still very straight and perfect! So those of you considering new procedures that are out there, have faith in the time tested metal braces. They lasted for me and all the work was worth it because my smile is nice and straight and I have no more overbite!

-Amanda and Erik

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sleeping with Head Gear 2

Here are a few more tips on sleeping with head gear, a difficult thing to get used to!

1. Put chapstick on before you go to sleep. Your lips will get pretty chapped during the night. There is almost nothing worst then waking up with chapped lips.

2. Buy a memory foam pillow. This allows you to sleep on your back easier, which will avoid pushing your headgear in any painful places. If you try to lie on your side it will push your already hurting head gear into a weird position and put more pressure on one side of your jaw. This can possibly screw up your whole procedure so try to lie on your back!

3. Try to breathe out of your nose, that way you won’t wake up with a sore throat. You can even buy those nasal strips to help this.

Hope these new tips help!

-Amanda and Erik

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Orthodontic Emergency Kits

To survive everyday life with…

1. A small toothbrush
2. A small tube of toothpaste
3. Floss
4. Gum can be helpful to dislodge food after you have eaten if it isn’t convenient to brush your teeth.
5. Wax for those times when your cheeks hurt a lot.

Bands: And if you have bands,
1. Extra bands in case they break.

Head Gear, if you have to wear it 24/7
1. Toothbrush to brush off dried spit and food that gets on it before you put it back in if you take out your headgear to eat.
2. A case to put your head gear in when you take it out.

1. A small hard plastic case to put them in.
2. A small toothbrush to clean your teeth after you eat.

You should be covered if you have these things, we suggest buying a small bag and putting these things in it. Or worst case bring gum. Its a good idea after you have eaten to freshen your breath and dislodge food.

-Amanda and Erik