When you have your first checkup, you might get a little nervous in the waiting room of the orthodontist office. You might be thinking about whether you are actually making and progress and things similar to this.
Here are some things tips for dealing with this phenomenon:
1. Just picture your beautiful straight teeth or a perfectly aligned jaw so that you have a symmetrical jaw that fits nicely! Remember that the reason you are doing this whole process is so you will have a straight smile.
2. Trust in your orthodontist! Know that he/she is trying to get the result with the least amount of effort on your part, so trust that the things they give to you wear etc. are going to help.
3. Also think about how you will be glad that you went through all the effort when you finished!
The first time I (Amanda) went to the orthodontist for a checkup, I was so scared because all of my friends were saying how painful all of the orthodontia they had was. At the time I had a rather large overbite and I just kept telling myself that they would fix it for me and my smile would be normal and it made me less nervous. And once I talked with my orthodontist I felt better because he was very relaxed and told me it would be a gradual process and he planned out how the next few years would be. So if you are nervous in the waiting room, just relax. Its going to turn out awesome!
-Erik and Amanda
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