Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Methods of Assessment

The main point of going to a checkup is to assess your progress to straight teeth. Here are examples of the many different methods your orthodontist may use to do this:

1. X-ray:
Before you get an x-ray, your orthodontist will ask you to take off any outside metal (e.g. earrings, headbands etc.). Then you will put on a jacket-like lead bib and stand next to a machine. Then you will bite onto these two plastic pieces, one for your upper jaw one for your lower. Next x-ray machine will spin around your head and make a ringing noise, while taking an x-ray of your jaws. Then you are done!

2. Pictures:
Another method is to take pictures every few checkups. Unlike the picture taking we spoke of in "The Classic Checkup", here your orthodontist will have you pull your cheeks open with plastic stretchers. Then he/she will take pictures from the front and sides, while opening your mouth and biting your back teeth. If your orthodontist needs to show you and your parents something they may pull up these pictures on the computer or print them and show them to you. They are used to show what your orthodontist is talking about.

3. Jaw mold:
Before you get anything that is going to fit in your mouth(bite-plane, retainers and such) your orthodontist will make a mold of your teeth. Your orthodontist will put some colored goop in your mouth then push it against your teeth and then pull it out. Then later on they will make a white mold that is a exact replica of your mouth from the inside using that mold. This they use to make your retainers and such so that they fit your mouth perfectly.

These are some examples of how you will get to see your progress. Hopefully now you won't be confused if your orthodontist starts doing these things!

-Amanda and Erik

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