Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Retainer Maintainer Container

You need to keep your retainers safe every time you take them out, so obviously you will need somewhere to put them! Using a container will ensure that they will not get damaged or lost. Typically these are little plastic boxes that have a latch so that they can’t be easily opened.

Here are some tips to keep your retainers in good condition:

1. Never put them in a place that could get thrown away or crunched such as a napkin or pocket.
2. When you have chosen a container, either from your orthodontist or your own, write on it or on a sticker a note saying if found call this number and make it your phone number.
3. One optional tip is to have multiple containers. Put these containers in backpacks, by the dinner table, purses, etc. so no matter where you are you will have a safe place to put your retainers when you need to take them out.
4. Put brightly colored stickers on the container so it stands out better.

Follow these tips to keep your retainers safe because this is a very vital piece of equipment and you don’t want to break it!

-Erik and Amanda

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