Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Clear Braces

One option instead of getting traditional braces are to get clear ones. The most popular brands are Invisilign and ClearCorrect. There are advantages and disadvantages to this.

Pros: With clear braces you can take them on and off similar to the clear plastic retainers you can get. This means that while you have braces you can eat whatever you want, whenever you want! Obviously since they are clear you do not have to deal with all the teasing and so on that goes along with getting metal braces. This makes clear braces an especially attractive option for adults. Since the pressure is even on all areas of your teeth there is less pain to it. And the fact that they are smooth and fitted to your teeth means, no ripped up gums and cheeks!

Cons: Now although being able to take them off means you can eat whenever, that also means you need to brush before you put them back on each time which can be a hassle. Like with retainers you need to be super careful not to lose them after you took them off to eat. Plus since you can take them off, it means less time sitting in your mouth straightening your teeth where as metal braces are working constantly. It all relies on how strict you are with them. They also cost anywhere from 3000 to 9000 dollars depending on how many sets of braces you need. Each time you “tighten” them, you get a new pair of clear braces, making it more expensive then normal metal braces. Keep in mind that although they are clear, people will still be able to tell you are wearing braces because the plastic will reflect light. Although rare, some people have had allergic reactions to the plastic so if you have previously had reactions you should probably reconsider this option.

Well we hope to have answered some questions you might have had regarding clear braces. Personally we both have gone through the metal braces route, and it has worked very well for us. It is tried and true, where as the clear braces are a relatively new procedure, along with being less expensive. Its all a matter of preference!

-Amanda and Erik

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