Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Facts About Frenectomy 2

Recovery from the Procedure:
After doing some research, it seems the recovery time varies with age. Younger kids who had a frenectomy done healed much faster and with less complications than adults. This might have something to do with the fact that kids are still growing so the frenulum might not be entirely grown in, thus easier to cut. Also it seems that the people who received the procedure via laser had less problems and a shorter recovery time. The average recovery seems to be around 5 days to be fully recovered. Depending on your pain level, the number might be smaller. Similar to when you get your wisdom teeth out, you will receive painkillers after your procedure.

In this links, we found the comments from people who have received the procedure very informational:

There are also complications that can arise from the surgery. In any procedure where there will be an open wound essentially (wisdom teeth removal, fiberotomy) there is risk of infection. Other risks include speech impediments, tooth sensitivity, scar tissue development, and lack of facial control due to lack of strength in the tongue/or cheek muscles. Another thing that should be considered are the risks from anesthesia. It all depends on what kind you get, general or just Novocain. With Novocain the side effects are the usual prolonged numbness. If you choose general anesthesia, side effects such as nausea, bleeding and bruising can occur. It seems encouraged for younger children to get the general anesthesia done because, especially if done with a laser, the patient must stay very still.

One tip we found for the aftercare of your mouth is warm salt water rinse (this doesn’t mean swishing or gurgling because this can aggravate the site). This helps to remove dried blood build up and can reduce swelling along with keeping the area clean.Link

Here is an example of a consent form for the procedure which includes side effects and risks involved.

We hope this gives you more information on this procedure. Please leave a comment if you have any questions and we will do our best to research and answer them!

-Amanda and Erik

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