Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sleeping with Headgear

One issue you might run into while wearing your headgear, but not really think about until you have to actually do it, is sleeping while wearing it. This may not even be a problem if you only need to wear it for a few hours during the day. Many people choose to wear the head gear at night though because that means you don’t have to be out in public with it on.

We have both had to wear the headgear at night and know all of the good and bad positions:

1. On your chest: Although it may seem rather obvious, this is probably the worst position to try to sleep in. It is actually painful to lie down in this position because the metal of the headgear pushes your teeth to the side and your mouth becomes really sore after just a few minutes.

2. On your side: This is sort of in the middle. It is not too difficult to fall asleep like this since there is a lot less pressure on the side of your head, and thus, on your teeth and jaw. You need to be careful about this one though because it might end up making your jaw a little asymmetrical if you continuously sleep on the same side since the headgear would be pulling on one side more than the other.

3. On your back: This is by far the most comfortable position. When lying down like this, there is very little strain on your teeth aside from the normal amount you would feel while wearing the gear. The straps also do not dig into your neck too much. You can even position yourself so that the headgear strap isn’t even on the pillow and then there will be no outside strain on your head at all!

Hopefully this will help you find a comfortable position and make the time you have to wear your headgear just a bit better.

-Erik and Amanda


  1. yeah... I wake up like 5 times every night

  2. can't sleep on my back. Really sucks. I am greatly lacking sleep, because of zero period and late after-school activities and homework. This stupid piece of metal makes things EVEN WORSE I am in a terrible mood all the time, and so tired... Also. My lips are always cracked and dry, and my hair is flattened back at the top and poofy at the bottom. Plus the headgear just looks super ugly, especially when I put on glasses at the same time. :-(

  3. I cant fall asleep with it on. I have to stay up and turn all night until it has been 8 hours. Then when im just around the house i wear it

  4. One issue you might run into while wearing your headgear, but not really think about until you have to actually do it, is sleeping while wearing it. This may not even be a problem if you only need to wear it for a few hours during the day. Many people choose to wear the head gear at night though because that means you don’t have to be out in public with it on. HeadGearBraces

  5. It's sucks and we'll for 1 I wish I didn't have it and 2 you wake up alot in the middle of the night and I always end up taking it off because it hurts so bad. Someine needs to figure out a way for sleeping with headgear comfortable. Someone save the headgear wearers please����

  6. Maybe try a travel pillow with a hole in the middle? Or there is something called Open Spaces orthodontic pillow but I think a travel/neck pillow might work the same.
