Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wisdom Teeth Part 3: Day of the Operation

The day of you go into the surgeons office and depending on how nervous you are they might give you a hypnotic or happy juice. Then they will take you back and inject the anesthesia.

Then you will wake up and your teeth will be removed! There are some slight side affects such as fatigue and slight amnesia. When Erik got his removed, he woke up and was really groggy. He kept asking the same questions over and over! And on the way back he was talking a lot but didn’t remember it later that day.

Also he could barely walk and basically fell asleep when he got home. But you need to ice for the first day 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off. So we kept him awake with music!For the rest of the day he just sipped cold water and iced his cheeks and relaxed. The amnesia fully wore off about 4 hours later.

That is basically what is to expected the day of the operation

-Amanda and Erik

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