Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Filling Update : Erik

Yesterday, Erik went to the dentist to get two fillings. There are five basic steps that are taken when you get a filling (more information in our other posts on fillings).

1. The dentist will put on numbing gel on the surrounding gum around the tooth that is going to be filled. Then they will give you a shot of novacain.
2. Next they will use a grinder to grind away the decayed part of the tooth.
3. After they have gotten rid of all the rotten tooth, your dentist will fill it with white porcelain (usually).
4. Then to set the porcelain permanently, they will shine a black light on your filling.
5. After cleaning your mouth out, you are good to go.

Depending on how many shots of Novocain you receive depend on how long it will last afterwards. But usually fillings are not a very big intrusion on your normal routine. They can last for anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour and half, depending on how many teeth you are getting filled. You might have to get two appointments if you have cavities on both sides of your mouth because your dentist probably won’t inject novacain into both sides of your mouth because that effects your tongue muscle and you basically can’t function your mouth properly.

Erik will have to get two more fillings soon, so look for another update with new facts on fillings!

-Erik and Amanda

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