Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Makeup for Braces

Some of you might be wondering if you need to change your make up now that you have braces. Here are a couple tips regarding this topic. (I, Amanda, had braces for two years and wore makeup the entire time)

1. Wear a nude lipgloss or lipstick. Lining your lips or wearing dark lipgloss/stick will just outline your braces making them stand out.
2. If you wore bright color eye shadow before your braces, do not feel the need to change that now! Depending on how adventurous you are, you could color coordinate your make up to your braces. Bright makeup can take away attention from your braces up to your eyes.
3. If you want to take attention away from your braces without loud colors, just some neutral (browns, tans, creams, etc) eyeshadow and either black or brown eyeliner with mascara will subtly bring more attention to your eyes.
4. Always wear chapstick or lipgloss no matter what because braces tend to make your lips dry and chapped. And chapped lips always draw eyes to your mouth!

Over all you really don’t need to worry about your makeup looking any different now that you have braces. If you didn’t wear makeup before, there is really no reason to wear it now. And if you are in love with your current makeup look, definitely do not change it! Braces are really not as noticeable as we think they are when we have them. Please comment with any quesitons.

-Amanda (with some editing help from Erik)

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